Our Services
We have services that can accommodate a myriad of needs for children in different situations.
Rockwell Development Centers Day Treatment program is a structured school-based treatment program intended for children and adolescents, who struggle with a host of behavioral, emotional, and mental health needs. The program is designed to identify and address barriers that prohibit the child’s educational abilities in a typical classroom setting. Specific behavioral barriers include, but are not limited to; ADHD, ODD, depression, and mood instability.
The program’s treatment strategy focuses on helping clients learn to manage anger, enhance interpersonal communication skills, improve decision-making, community responsibility, manage appropriate coping mechanisms, and improve overall psychological well-being.

Benefits of Day Treatment
• Maintaining residence with a family or community-based setting
• Developing appropriate social or relational skills
• Increasing use of positive and assertive communication
• Enhancing problem solving skills
Child and Adolescent Day Treatment is a service operated by Rockwell Development Center. Referrals should be placed by a member of the child’s Individual Educations Plan (IEP) team. Child and Adolescent Day Treatment includes therapeutic services in conjunction with educational services to enhance the child’s ability to function within a school setting. It is recommended that this program be used in conjunction with Rockwell’s Extended Day Treatment program.
Adolescent Day Treatment includes
• Individual, group and family therapy
• Skills training
• Substance use intervention (if necessary)
• Psychoeducation and training of family and other caregivers on diagnoses and identified needs
• Crisis response and management
Evidenced Based Practices used in Child and Adolescent Day Treatment include:
• Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
• SITCAP (Structured Sensory Interventions for Traumatized Children, Adolescents and Parents)
• Seven Challenges (mental health and substance use)
• Together Facing the Challenge (parenting skills and family relationships)
• SPARCs (Structured Psychotherapy for Adolescents Responding to Chronic Stress)

Who is appropriate for Child and Adolescent Day Treatment Services?
• Children age 6 through 17
• Children with Medicaid
• Children with a mental health or substance use diagnosis
• Children who continuously are in need of school crisis response and unable to function in a traditional or modified school setting
What can the family and client expect?
• Services will be structured and provided only in the school setting
• Services can be up to 6 hours per day depending on the IEP recommendation
• Better outcomes are expected if your family is committed to being working partners with service delivery
• Day Treatment staff will coordinate Child and Family Team meetings monthly to assess progress and plan, including community
supports such as teachers, probation officers and other natural supports.
• The child’s goals and crisis plan will be developed at the beginning of service and updated at least monthly

• Serving individuals ages 6-17
• Adolescent must meet Medicaid eligibility requirements
• Individuals must meet DSM-V criteria with a mental health and/or a behavioral health diagnosis.
• Serving MCO’s (Partners, Vaya, Alliance) in surrounding counties.
• Day Treatment classrooms are staffed with qualified mental health professionals, licensed clinicians, and a program manager. (Managers interact directly with school staff to ensure staff compliance with school policies and professional etiquette)
• Services are provided in an alternative school setting.
• Duration of treatment is contingent upon the need of the client and can typically last between 1-2 semesters of a school’s calendar year.
• Meals are provided through food and nutrition services.
• Each client is required to have a Person-Centered Plan (PCP), CCA and CCA Addendum recommending Day Treatment Services.
• Parent/guardian participation in education program is required.
Primary populations served are children and/or adolescents, age 12 through 17, with a mental health diagnosis and who meet the criteria for admittance.
• The referred child must have an Axis I or II MH/SA diagnosis that is not solely a developmental disability
• Less restrictive MH/SA rehabilitative services in the educational setting have been considered or previously attempted but were found not effective or ineffective
• The child exhibits behavior resulting in significant school disruption or significant social withdrawal
• The child is experiencing mental health and/or substance abuse symptoms/behaviors that severely impair functional ability in an educational setting which may include a vocational setting.
• The child must have an IEP (individualized education program) recommending Day Treatment Services..